Monday, August 30, 2010

Chapter 4

"You care more about your revolution, than you do about me."
It was their third day together, and Ellen was pissed that Rasputin took
time out from a romantic moment to answer an email on his iphone.
Rasputin had long ago learned he was no good at lying to women, so he didn't even try.

"of course," he replied using his characteristic bluntness, "without the revolution
I'm just another cotton tail and I can't imagine that you would be interested in me
if all I could offer you was an occasional carrot." He stroked her arm,
"After the revolution you will be my Josephine."
Talk like that weakened Ellen's knees and she fell back onto the bed,
"Kiss me, you fuzzy fool."

Rasputin awoke to find himself alone and found Ellen logged into his Ebay account,
busily bidding on musical instruments. He watched as she pushed the buy it now button
and became the new owner of a very used tuba.
After cursing himself for having his passwords auto complete, he asked,
"is there an orchestra i should know about?"

"No," she said, then after a pause, "maybe."
Rasputin had enough experience with women to know he had to wait this one out.
After a moment she continued, "You need a plan and I think this is it."
"A used tuba?"
"No, you silly revolutionary," she took a deep breath and began to sing.

"Seventy-six trombones led the big parade
With a hundred and ten cornets close at hand.
They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtuo-
Sos, the cream of ev'ry famous band.

...Seventy-six trombones caught the morning sun
With a hundred and ten cornets right behind
There were more than a thousand reeds
Springing up like weeds
There were horns of ev'ry shape and kind.

There were copper bottom tympani in horse platoons
Thundering, thundering all along the way.
Double bell euphoniums and big bassoons,
Each bassoon having it's big, fat say!

There were fifty mounted cannon in the battery
Thundering, thundering louder than before
Clarinets of ev'ry size
And trumpeters who'd improvise
A full octave higher than the score!"

"Do you see?" she asked
"Fifty mounted canon?" Rasputin said. he was no longer focused on the naked woman in the chair.
He was envisioning the victory parade, the arch d'triomph he'd build out of haybales,
the statues....

As all the implications of Ellen's plan sank in, Rasputin could not contain his joy.
He kissed her then the computer monitor, and sang a verse of 76 trombones.
At the edge of his mind he wondered how to claim credit for this brilliant idea,
but he gave it little thought. He would be the one to bring it to fruition.
The revolution disguised as a musical, a musical with a cast of thousands, "we'll hold auditions...

Having come up with the invasion plan which he was sure would lead to a quick conquest of farmville,
Rasputin studied film clips and pondered ways to get recruits.
Ellen was scouring Craigslist for uniforms.

Relaxing beside the pool after a day spent trying to drum up support for his invasion of Farmville,
Rasputin was startled when he heard his name over a loudspeaker. "We know you are in there."
After the third repetition, the one in which they mentioned gas grenades, he made his way
across the manicured lawn to the front gate.

Rasputin was relieved to see the agents with an acronym taking up defensive positions and one of them approached him.
He spread his hands in a helpless gesture, "They say they're from ASCAP and there's a carload for Equity,
but they're hanging back right now."
He looked around then said, "I don't know how long we can hold them off. If they start using teargas
the homeowners association is going to get involved and ..."

Ethel McGuinness, 76 years old, 4 foot 11 - a hundred pounds on a day with heavy gravity and head of the homeowners association, parked her 1983 Buick blocking the gate to the estate and slowly got out of her car.
This woman, who probably could have won the war in Afghanistan, if only the Marines had not turned down her application, faced the union agitators and pointed down the street with her finger, "be gone,"she said. the man from ascap lowered his bull horn, and stared at her for a long moment. This man who had dealt with bouncers with Sicilian pedigrees, who had once yanked a jukebox out of a biker bar, and who had not been turned down by t...he marines, knew he was out gunned. He nodded to his compatriots and with in two minutes they were driving down the street in the direction Ethel had indicted.
Next, she turned to the gate, "What's this all about?" she demanded.

She brushed off the homeland security excuse and focused on Rasputin. "I believe we have a clause about renting to rodents."
Rasputin drew himself up so he was almost as big as she was and said, "I beg your pardon - I am certainly not a rodent." After a moment of staring into her eyes he continued. "I am here only temporarily while I plot the ovethrow of Farmville and then Facebook."
Ethel opened her arms, "Why didn't you say so? Facebook is evil . My daughter, she was contacted by this no good idiot from her past and ran off with him. What can i do to help?"

"I never knew Facebook had so many enemies," Rasputin said as he plowed through the emails which had accumulated overnight. One, from a Pastor in Kansas, was so intense Rasputin kept checking to make sure his monitor didn't start smoking. The man who claimed to be the head of a Luddite Baptist congregation claimed a divine insight into how to bring the electronic devil to its knees.
Ellen was a little suspicions, "What is a Luddite Baptist doing using email? This could be a pink herring."
"Yeah, " agreed Rasputin as he pressed the delete button, an act he was to rue later, "Those off-color fish can really stink up a revolution."

Rasputin hated it when a conversation began with, "You know what your problem is?"? He really hated it when they were right and though it was not in his nature to admit it, it was quite possible that this woman had found a a chink in his armadillo.
The armadillo was worried too, having trained to be the first wave of the invasion he knew the success of the whole operation depended on his scales.

"Your problem is that you are a rabbit."
Those were, to Rasputin's mind, fighting words, but the idea of tangling with the toughest little old lady he'd ever met reminded him of his limitations, after all he was a rabbit.
"What do you propose I do about it?" he asked through clenched incisors.
"My son in law is a surgeon, he did wonders... with Margaret Clemments."

"Normally I don't do rabbits," the surgeon began as he ran his eyes over Rasputin. "But you've met my mother in law and..."
"I like being a rabbit. And whatever you do - don't touch the nose. All the girls say it's one of my cutest features.... And cute and cuddly is what works for me."
"I wouldn't think of touching your nose, and quite frankly, my specialty is re-perking middle aged breasts... I might be able to do something with your ears though, the question is, reduction or enhancement?"

The plastic surgeon fed a photograph of Rasputin into his computer. They immediately saw that ear-reduction would make it possible for Rasputin to wear hats, but would probably provide the reason he would want to wear them in the first place. The enhancement adjustment was designed for breasts, so the ears came out... looking like kielbasas.
"Look doc, I'm trying to become emperor of Farmville, not a porn star."

The surgeon got defensive, "You can not underestimate the importance your appearance has on your life. The world is full of ordinary people and, for the most part, they are forced to live ordinary lives."
Rasputin interrupted, "Please spare me the sales pitch. I am, at the risk of denting my humility, poised for greatness, a few ounces of silicone are not the key."
Rasputin thought of saying more, about how the world was full of plasticized bimbos leading plastic lives, but he knew such words would definitely burn this bridge. He was something of an expert, having burned suspension, bascule, fixed, and even a covered bridge in his day, and he knew he might need this man's skills if his plot were to fail and he needed to change his appearance while on the run. So, for once, he kept his mouth shut and escaped the doctor's office with nary a botox injection.

Having escaped the scalpels of cosmetic surgery, Rasputin became determined not to get distracted again. He watched the Music Man several times, and made the bold decision to go with blue uniforms for the band. Red reminded him of hunting season, and he could get a good price on what was described as a lightly used set of uniforms in blue.

When he returned to the compound Rasputin found the agents without acronyms moving with a brisk purposefulness as they packed their weapons and erased all evidence of their being there which consisted of taking down the calendar which depicted automatic weapons from around the world." Whats going on, " he asked?

"Azure alert - there is a new threat to the nation."
He waited a second and the agent continued "Invasive plants, we've decided that they can be a component in your project."
Rasputin's first instinct was to say that nobody tells me how to my revolution, but the term invasive plants had a nice ring to it.
"Tell me more."
The man lifted a box and said, "We'll brief you on the flight. I'll give you a hint, there is loosestrife aka Lythrum salicaria in your future."

"Plants? I've got a truckload of brass instruments headed this way. What about David and his glockenspiel?"
Before Rasputin could continue his rant one of the agents used up his monthly allotment of smiles and said, "relax little fella, your band is safe. In fact, if it works in Farmville they're talking about tryin...g it out as a new way of protecting the Mexican border, might have to learn some new tunes though."

Rasputin swallowed his next words, if Homeland Security had decided his plan had merit, then he'd be able get funding for the giant float, the one shaped like a giant endive, in which his commandos would hide. He planned to have it break...down near the headquarters of the current government in Farmville and then late at night the Trojan Salad would strike. This was an idea that he could not really claim as original though it was time tested - and he suspected it would work other places too. maybe in Afghanistan. If he could get the contract for that...

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